Miss Teen Tours 

After four years of being on hold, we are FINALLY recruiting for our next tour.  Just as we were preparing for our 2020-2021 tour, we had to stop the interview process due to the announcement of COVID and the CORONAVIRUS.  Unfortunately, the young ladies that registered, and were being interviewed were unable to participate, and it has taken since that time to restructure. We are so excited about the upcoming tour and we hope that both parents and their daughters are equally excited.   Please pay close attention to the dates and deadlines for the application and interview process.   

We hope to see you on the 2023-2024 Girls of Purpose Tour.
Interest Meeting

November 21, 2023 - 6 pm
November 26, 2023 - 3 pm

628 West Broadway, Suite 300
North Little Rock, AR 72205

Interviews: Sunday, December 17, 2023 @ 3pm.

Call 501.310.0607 to RSVP to ATTEND the MEETING.